
Showing posts from 2020

[SPOILER ALERT] Netflix's Dark re:CinemaBlend Article

Netflix's Dark Some of my posts are Spoiler-Free introductions and recommendations about shows.  This article is not that.  DO NOT continue reading unless you have completed all three seasons of the amazing Netflix time travel series DARK. I have been wanting to write about Dark.  But where to begin?  There is soooooo much to unravel about this series, which is literally ABOUT unraveling a knot caused by the chaos of time travel in the fictional German town of Winden.  I do plan on discussing Dark in a broader sense at a future date. This post, however, will be in direct response to an article that I read today on CinemaBlend. Today I stumbled upon this article on CinemaBlend by Britt Lawrence ( @BrittLWriter ). I LOVE reading these articles that get down to the nitty-gritty details about a series and really discussing them. I have so much to say on the topics that Lawrence presents here, that I decided to make an entire blog post as ...

The Great Blog Return of 2020

I'm Back Baby!!! Dear my amazing Blogspot readers: As you may have noticed (but probably didn't!),  I have not posted any new content on this blog in 2020.  And wow look - the year is over halfway done already.  When did that happen? Covid-19 has turned all of our lives upside down. As we push forward in this brave new world that we now find ourselves in, I have decided that it's high time - to make the time- to get to sharing content in blog format again. (I have still been actively Tweeting about all things *money-saving* and *TV and Entertainment* at @TVnCouponTalk and selling goods through Poshmark and at @NEJewelryParty - but blogging is necessary for thoughts that take more than 280 characters!!!!) I apologize for my absence and not following through with topics that I previously stated I would write about. Now, let the binging and blogging begin! ~Stacie, GDD, NEJP Contact Me: Twitter:    @TVnCouponTalk  and  @NEJewelr...