The Great Blog Return of 2020

I'm Back Baby!!!

Dear my amazing Blogspot readers:

As you may have noticed (but probably didn't!),  I have not posted any new content on this blog in 2020.  And wow look - the year is over halfway done already.  When did that happen?

Covid-19 has turned all of our lives upside down. As we push forward in this brave new world that we now find ourselves in, I have decided that it's high time - to make the time- to get to sharing content in blog format again. (I have still been actively Tweeting about all things *money-saving* and *TV and Entertainment* at @TVnCouponTalk and selling goods through Poshmark and at @NEJewelryParty - but blogging is necessary for thoughts that take more than 280 characters!!!!)

I apologize for my absence and not following through with topics that I previously stated I would write about.

Now, let the binging and blogging begin!

~Stacie, GDD, NEJP

Contact Me:

Disclaimer: All articles are designed for entertainment purposes only. As these articles are not sourced, they are not intended for research purposes. It is entirely possible that I get something wrong. If you find that I have done so, please let me know so that I can correct it. All opinions in my articles are my own and are not backed by any other party, company, or organization. I am not paid to review or endorse any company or product. Some of the links found in my articles may contain affiliate links that will compensate me with commissions or referral rewards for sharing them with you. This is not the primary intention of any article, as my goal is to simply share and discuss these topics with you. Any proceeds do help pay for the entertainment sources necessary to continue watching, researching, and discussing new television shows with you.  Any images and trailers presented in my articles belong to their individual copyright holders. I am sharing them under Fair Use to discuss and educate about the works they are associated with.


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