Bad Ben DVDs and T-Shirts!
Bad Ben Update! Brought to you by Great Deals & Discounts NEJP I plan on doing an indept article or series of articles on the Bad Ben moview, but in case you don't know what I'm talking about, here it is: Bad Ben is a series of found footage style films centering around a modern haunted house. They primarily feature the filmmaker Nigel Bach as the hapless character of Tom Riley. These films are independently made B horror with a mix of comedy and goofyness. And they are awesome! The 7the installment: The Haunted Highway released in November. The entire series, which is starting to gain a cult following, is currently available for streaming on Amazon Prime. Now that we've covered that, here's tonight's news! Nigel confirmed this evening that the website will be going live tonight to pre-order t-shirts and DVDs! What We Know: *Two T-shirt designs will be available. *DVD boxed set will feature all 7 full length films as well at the...